Family Equipping Guide

How to Use the Family Equipping Guide

Each week, as you gather as a family, read the Bible Story together and then choose an activity (prayer, podcast, video, discussion, etc.) to do together. Examples and links are provided to get you started.

Series Overview

The Gospel of Mark is a Book filled with stories about Jesus. We see the many powerful things Jesus did while on Earth from his baptism, all the way to his resurrection.

For an animated overview, view this Bible Project video here.

Leverage the Time You Have...

As parents, you have unique opportunities throughout your day to connect with your child.  Here are some examples of ways to connect to your child at any age and talk about Jesus.

Preschool and Younger

At bedtime, tell your child that Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus loves him/her. As you take time to pray, praise God for the saving power of Jesus and thank God that Jesus loves (insert child’s name). Remind your little one that they are loved by Jesus.


When you sit down to eat with your Elementary child, talk about how you have personally experienced the power of Jesus.  Then invite your child to share a time when they have experienced the power of Jesus.  Remind your child that Jesus still holds the same power as He did in the stories we read in the Bible.

Preteen and Teen

As you drive your kid to school, practice, a friend’s house, etc. take time to talk about how Jesus is moving in your own life.  Ask your child if he/she feels Jesus making moves in their lives. Remind your teen that even when it doesn’t feel like it, Jesus is with them and for them.

Family Discussion Guide

(after reading or listening to the weekly passage, use these questions to guide discussion)

  • Who are the characters in today’s Bible Story?
  • What is one thing you learned about a character in the story?
  • How did Jesus show his power?
  • What does this story show about yourself? or How does this story connect to you?

Spend time in prayer together. Pray that Jesus will continue to show His power in your child’s life and that they can trust Him with everything.

Series Podcast Episodes

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Jesus Triumphal Entry and Last Supper

Series Story Videos

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus and the Children

Peter Walks on Water

Series Playlist

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