2025 - 2026 School Year Enrollment
Open House
Monday, Feb 24th - 6:30-8p ------------Free event for those interested in enrolling for the next school year! Tour the school, meet some of the staff, and ask questions before Open Enrollment on March 1st.
Tuition Rate
$385/month for Aug-May
Open Enrollment
On March 1st @ approximately 8a, this page will update with a link for Open Enrollment. Please complete the link for your child(ren) only once; acceptance into the program is based on a first-come basis, depending on age and openings available. You will be contacted with next steps and a link to pay the enrollment fee if there is a spot for your child.
Program Hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays // 9:25a - 2:25p // $385/month
Mission Statement
The Early Learning Center is a ministry of New Beginnings Church that provides a safe environment where preschool children experience the love of God, embrace Bible fundamentals, and receive quality age-appropriate educational curriculum.
Our school year begins in August and ends in May. We are closed for Fall Break in October, Thanksgiving Break in November, Christmas Break (usually 2 - 2.5 weeks) at the end of December/January, and Spring Break in March. We schedule our breaks along with Bixby Public Schools.
Enrollment Process
New Beginnings ELC accepts students from walking age to Pre-K (approximately 1-5 years). Our babies/infant class is reserved for staff and younger siblings of current students.
Enrollment applications must include all paperwork for each child, along with a $100 non-refundable Enrollment Fee per child. (Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted) This fee must be paid to secure your child’s spot.
Enrollment for the next school year begins February 1st for currently enrolled students and any new siblings. Then, beginning March 1st, Open Enrollment begins for any remaining spots and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available spots have been filled, applications will be taken for the waiting list.
Tuition Rates
Monthly tuition rate is as follows:
$385 - Three-Days A Week
School Year begins in August and ends in May, resulting in 10 monthly payments. Shorter months and holidays have been taken into account when determining rates; tuition is based on the number of days each school year, from August to May. The annual amount is divided into 10 equal payments.
Our curriculum provides many age-appropriate learning activities for our children. Teachers plan developmentally appropriate activities to correlate with topics and themes from our curriculum. Teachers begin the day with a group time in which they pray with the class, go over the calendar (today’s date, days of the week, months, concepts including tomorrow, next week, yesterday, and numbers), discuss weather, and go over the topic and areas of focus for the day. This time often includes songs and a Bible story to go along with the weekly topic. Centers are provided and include books, puzzles, blocks, dress-up, and home living. Art projects are done to emphasize the themes they are learning about.
We believe in educating the whole child. Children participate in Music and P.E. All ages participate in a weekly chapel time to learn short stories from the Bible and to experience a time of praise and worship.
We do not deduct for illness, snow days, vacations, or holidays. The reason for this policy is simple. We are not a profit-making organization and the staff’s salaries have to be met whether your child attends or not.
Tuition invoices will be available through the Brightwheel app on the first of each month. We can also take cash or check payments in the front office.
If you would like to schedule automatic credit card payments each month, save your credit card details when you pay your first invoice and the billing system will update your account to charge your card on the next month’s due date.
Late Tuition Payment Fees
Tuition payments are due on the first of every month. A late fee of $10 will be assessed if payment is not received by the 15th of the month.
Exception: August payment is due by the first day of school.
Late Pick Up Fees
Pick up time is from 2:25 – 2:30p. A $5 late fee will be applied beginning at 2:35p. An additional $10 fee will be incurred beginning at 2:45p.
If it becomes necessary that your child withdraw from the program, you must notify us two weeks in advance. Enrollment fee & any tuition already paid will not be refunded.
New Beginnings ELC accepts students from walking age to Pre-K (approximately 1-5 years). Our babies/infant class is reserved for staff and younger siblings of current students.
Enrollment applications must include all paperwork for each child, along with a $100 non-refundable Enrollment Fee per child. (Cash, checks, and credit cards are accepted) This fee must be paid to secure your child’s spot.
Enrollment for the next school year begins February 1st for currently enrolled students and any new siblings. Then, beginning March 1st, Open Enrollment begins for any remaining spots and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available spots have been filled, applications will be taken for the waiting list.
Wait List
If you wish to be added to our waiting list, please fill out the form online or call 918-366-6700. You do not have to pay any fees in order to keep your child’s name on the list. The waiting list for the current school year will expire on Open Enrollment Day (March 1st); from that point on, a new Waiting List will be created for the upcoming school year.
Each age group/class has it’s own waiting list and if any spots become available throughout the school year, we will begin contacting names on the waiting list in order they were received.
Filling out the Wait List form DOES NOT ENROLL your child in our program. If a spot does become available and you are contacted, THEN you will need to fill out an Enrollment Packet and pay the non-refundable Enrollment Fee of $100/child to secure your spot.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30a to 2:25p. Doors open at 9:25a. Children will be ready for pickup by 2:25p and should be picked up no later than 2:30p. If pick up tardiness is a problem, there will be late fees incurred (see Tuition Details).
Babies & Ones are walk-ins for pick up. Walk-in parents enter on the west side of the building. The east side is for CAR PICKUP ONLY. If you participate in CAR PICKUP, you MUST stay in your car. This ensures safety and keeps the line moving quickly.
Drop Off: Please walk your child into his/her classroom.
Our experience over the years has indicated that the best approach for parents to take when dropping off their child is to hug the child and reassure him/her that they will be back later to pick them up. Then, leave promptly. If a child remains upset for longer than 20 minutes, parents will be called and advised. You may call anytime during the day to have someone in the office check on your child.
Car Pick Up: Please wait in line on the east side of the building. A teacher will bring your child to the car. Once child is in the car, please pull to a parking space to buckle. Place your child’s pickup tag where we can see it.
We cannot be responsible for buckling your child. Remember, small children are unpredictable. Watch for children coming from behind and in-between cars.
For safety reasons, we require written permission if anyone other than the child’s parents will be picking them up on any given day. You must list the names of everyone who is allowed to pick up your child on the Designated Pick Up form that you should have received at the beginning of school. If someone not listed on your child’s card arrives to pick up your child, we must have a note written and signed by the parent(s). We WILL NOT release a child without WRITTEN permission from the parents. We CAN accept phone calls for this purpose ONLY IF you have authorized that person by listing their name on the Designated Pick Up form. We will check and make copies of picture ID’s if someone comes to pick up your child that we do not know.
In the case of special custody arrangements between the child’s parents, please provide complete detailed instructions and any legal documentation with your child’s enrollment records. All instructions will be enforced by New Beginnings Early Learning Center.
You are welcome to stop in at anytime, however you must check-in at the office first. For safety reasons, we do not allow unaccompanied adults in the childcare area.
You may bring the following the first week of school and leave in the classroom:
- A rest mat (2 & 3 year old classes must be a mat that will fold/roll and store easily) (Infants and toddlers will rest in cribs)
- A blanket
- A rest time comfort (lovie, stuffed friend, paci, etc)
- If your child is in diapers, you will need to supply diapers to their teacher
Please bring the following EACH DAY:
- Insulated Lunch Box including beverage. Please send food that does not need to be heated. Prepare food by cutting into age-appropriate pieces.
- A spill proof cup. Older children can bring water bottles with spouts or straws.
- A complete change of clothes, including extra underwear and socks
- Snacks (your teacher will provide you with a snack schedule) Parents will be on rotation to help provide snacks for their child’s class.
- Back Pack (that will hold a 8.5×11 plastic folder)
Personal Toys
Please DO NOT allow your child to bring personal toys to the ELC. Toys brought will be picked up by the teacher at the start of the day and returned to the child when you pick him/her up.
Exception: A blanket or “lovie” will be allowed for naptime.
Please think of your child’s comfort and dress him/her in easy to manage play clothes. Although children do wear smocks when painting, many of our activities are messy and accidents do happen.
We go outside, even on chilly days. Please dress your child with a coat on cold days. Label all outside clothing.
We work very hard to make sure your child gains autonomy in going to the restroom. Please consider your child’s ability to fasten, unbuckle, or unbutton his/her clothing as your dress him/her for school.
All children should have a change of clothing in their bag each day in case of an accident. Please label all items.
Please DO NOT bring your child to the ELC if he/she exhibits any of the following symptoms of illness:
- fever of 100 degrees or higher in the last 24 hours
- a heavy nasal discharge
- an unusual rash or open sores
- Diarrhea, upset stomach and/or vomiting
- red, watery eyes
If your child has RSV, flu, pinkeye, or any other highly contagious virus, please do not bring them or any siblings who may carry the same virus.
No child who arrives at ELC noticeably ill or with a rash or fever will be admitted for the day. Should a child become ill during the day, the parent will be notified immediately. The child will be taken to the office and remain there under adult supervision until the parent or an authorized person arrives to pick up the child.
Potty training is NOT a part of our curriculum. 3-5 year olds must already be fully and successfully potty-trained to be enrolled in school and must continue without accidents in order to maintain enrollment.
We accept 3 year olds on a two-week probationary period. If a child is free from potty accidents after the first two full weeks of enrollment, acceptance will then become official.
If potty accidents occur during the first two full weeks, enrollment will not be accepted. If your child has accidents due to a medical reason, please be sure to inform us of the situation and provide official documentation.
We understand that children of this age may have occasional accidents. Please know that when a child has an accident, he or she will be attended to immediately. This is why it is very important to always pack a change of clothes.
On the other hand, if a younger child potty trains before two years old, they will be moved to the two year old class, since there are no bathrooms in the one year old class.
Potty training is a skill that children learn at their own pace and we are grateful to assist in any way possible.
Cloth Diaper Policy
Cloth diapers must be all-in-ones, pre-stuffed pockets, pre-folds or flats folded in covers. Pre-folds and flats must be already placed in covers and covers will not be reused. Please provide enough diapers and covers for 5 diaper changes each day. Parents must also provide a clean, hangable, wet bag to place soiled diapers in. Diapers will not be rinsed when soiled. Fecal matter may be disposed of in toilet per teacher’s discretion.
Steps Taken for Inappropriate Behavior:
- The teacher will talk to the child and redirect them to try and correct their behavior.
- The teacher will give the child an opportunity to exhibit the appropriate behavior.
- If the child is still unable to choose appropriate behavior, the teacher will set the child away from the group for an age appropriate time (within eye-sight).
- If this is not successful, the child will be taken to the director or assistant director in the preschool office.
- The director or assistant director will listen to the child and then discuss appropriate behavior in a firm but loving manner. If this procedure is successful, the child may return to the group.
- If the situation repeats itself, the parent will be notified. A Parent/Teacher/Director conference will be required if behavior problems persist that disrupt or endanger the class.
A Teacher Is Not Allowed To:
- Raise his/her voice to a child
- Put a child in the hall or other places where he/she would be out of sight
- Deprive a child of meals, snacks, or drinks for disciplinary reasons
- Use any form of physical or corporal punishment
- Use any form of verbal abuse or threats
- Make derogatory remarks about family members of the child or the care of the child
- Allow a child to discipline another child
We realize that biting is a developmental stage that some children go through. However, due to the risk of the spread of infection and disease, if a student bites another child or teacher on more than one occasion, the child will be removed from the class for that day.
Parents will be asked to confer with the director and teachers. A brief suspension may be required.
In case of severe weather, we follow Bixby Public School’s closing schedule. If Bixby has cancelled school, then we are closed as well. Check local stations & online regarding closings.
ELC staff and teachers use Brightwheel, a free app that will keep you involved in your child’s day. You will receive updates & photos from your child’s teacher in real-time, as well as the ability to message the teacher directly. School wide announcements and events will also be available through the app. Instructions to sign up will be given the first week of school.