Living as Redeemed

Series Guide

Deuteronomy Overview

The book of Deuteronomy was written by Moses.  This was his fifth and last book to write.  This book was written to give guidelines to the children of Israel who were about to enter into the promised land of Canaan, and to help them live an obedient life to God.  Deuteronomy shows us as believers, how to live a redeemed life.

Series Challenge

As a family, work to memorize the 10 commandments.

Deuteronomy 5:6-21 or Exodus 20:2-17

Talk about why we have the 10 Commandments: the commandments help believers understand our relationship with God and with others.

Weekly Questions

As you gather with your children each week to read the weekly scriptures, consider some of these questions.

  • What do we learn about God from this passage?
  • Write or draw something from the passage and share with your family.
  • Who is the passage talking about?
  • What happened in the passage?
  • What do we learn about ourselves from this passage?

Family Discipleship Resources

Deuteronomy Video Overview

New City Catechism Q's #7-20

Series Playlist

Kids Playlist

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